A question...Several times in your videos, you mention the phase of the moon...Do you believe there is a connection between grafting success and the phase of the moon?...and exactly what phase of the moon is best?
George, I do believe there is a connection. At least with avocados.. There is a period of about 4-7 days just after the new moon that seems to be best for me. When ever I can plan ahead I graft on that period. That is not to say that other periods are not successful. But the period after the new moon seems to work best.
George, I do believe there is a connection. At least with avocados.. There is a period of about 4-7 days just after the new moon that seems to be best for me. When ever I can plan ahead I graft on that period. That is not to say that other periods are not successful. But the period after the new moon seems to work best.