Normita Avocado B Flower type
I don't have much information about this variety. It is a seedling growing in Broward County . If I remember correctly this was a seed of Winter Mexican and this is what he got. Says the fruit hang longer that its parent into January and February. I exchanged bud wood with the guy. I'm growing it to see how it does 50 miles south and if in fact can stay on to February, it can have some value. I got the bud wood in late 2011 grafted a 3 gal tree and has taken a whole year, plus to be able to get 4 sticks out of it to top work a tree. Seem like a small, slow growing tree. Will take 2 years plus to see any results. Named after the guys wife, Norma.
February 21, 2015: This tree is beginning to flower
March 15, 2015: Confirmed this is a flower B type.
November 25, 2015: The tree is doing well. Staying clean and it is holding a lot of fruit with no visible drop. Looks like it will have no problem holding fruit until December
February 21, 2015: This tree is beginning to flower
March 15, 2015: Confirmed this is a flower B type.
November 25, 2015: The tree is doing well. Staying clean and it is holding a lot of fruit with no visible drop. Looks like it will have no problem holding fruit until December