Santa Ana Avocado A Flower type
Don't know much about this. A friend got me some bud wood after describing a Hass seedling planted by a friend. The tree is now 10 years old and bears heavily, large pound size fruit, with Hass like taste. I don't even have a picture but this friend is a reliable source of information. If I'm not mistaken it matures around March in California.
I Just hope one of these seedlings may like our So. Florida weather. I have top worked a tree in the grove on February 14. I also I have a back up in 3 gal. which seems to be doing well. In 3 years we may have a fruit to taste. In the mean time we'll see how it likes it here.
May 18, 2013. Top worked tree is doing well, also 2 potted grafts doing well.
July 11, 2013: The tree is doing well and growing
November 1, 2013: The tree survived the heat and rain this summer. Seems to be growing well.
December 31, 2013: The tree is looking good, building flower buds. See today's pictures. Curiously this tree is ahead of the Hass in the Flowering process.
February 27, 2014: Expanding inflorescence, should have open flowers in 3-4 days ans we will see flower type. The tree is only one year post grafting. The top of the tree has no flowers because I pruned it a few months ago and is just pushing vegetation with force. Some location on the side only pushing vegetation. Typical first year, with some luck we could see fruit.
March 11, 2014: Seems like A flower like its parent but flowers are 2-3 weeks earlier than regular Hass, at least in So. Florida
April 4, 2014: I see a couple of very small fruit. Let's hope they set and grow. Does not seem likely.
November 8, 2014: Seems like the few fruit it set still is hanging in, a little larger than Hass. Not sure when to pick this. In Cal. the fruit stays in the tree over 12 months. I don't know if it would do that here.
December 26, 2014: Picked one of the two fruit on the tree. They seemed to be getting dull. It came in at 8.5 oz. Nice size for a Hass growing in Florida. Let see how it ripens.
January 13, 2015: The two fruits did not ripened properly. The tree is building flower buds will give it one more year.
February 3, 2015: The tree has a few open flowers.
March 3, 2015: Has a lot of open flowers seems to be going slow at it. I see fruit set in the top flowers.
May 21, 2015: The tree has set quite a bit of fruit and its growing it well, seem to be ahead than regular Hass. No fruit drop.
June 14, 2015: The tree is holding the fruit well, good fruit set for its second flowering. Seems to be earlier than Hass sightly bigger.
September 19, 2015: The fruit does not seem to be growing a lot from the observation in June. Rare, because the heat is up and has rained a lot in the last 6 weeks. Some fruit is small others larger....Dwarfism ? Like Hass?
October 18, 2015: A lot of small fruit has dropped. What is in the tree seem to be growing very little. I picked the fruit in today's picture, came in at 7.8 oz this is like a larger supermarket Hass. It does have larger fruit than my regular Hass, but the Hass is more prolific.
October 26, 2015: The fruit picked did not ripen well, typical problems of small Guatemalan fruit in this area. All sorts of flesh deterioration, uneven ripening, watery, sub cutaneous watery spots or rot. Reminds me of the Florida Hass problems, See today's pictures.