Simmonds Avocado West Indies A Flower type
This is the "old Reliable, early variety work horse of the industry. Now no longer the "earliest" in South Florida. The Donnie is taking over that title. The Simmonds Avocado should not be overlooked by the homeowner. It is of excellent quality and with decent production. One of the best Florida has to offer.
I have one at home but I will need the space for potted trees so I top worked a tree in the grove on December 15, 2013. I prefer my Simmonds from early July to the end of August.
April 14, 2015: I fail to report on this old faithful. The top worked tree in the grove has nice size fruit. The one at home, still there has set a lot of fruit. Simmonds like others do set a large amount of trees and then they drop some or more than 1/2.
I have one at home but I will need the space for potted trees so I top worked a tree in the grove on December 15, 2013. I prefer my Simmonds from early July to the end of August.
April 14, 2015: I fail to report on this old faithful. The top worked tree in the grove has nice size fruit. The one at home, still there has set a lot of fruit. Simmonds like others do set a large amount of trees and then they drop some or more than 1/2.