Brooks Late Avocado Guatemalan-West Indian;

OctoberI think this was a patented variety years ago. It has been used in breeding new varieties without much success. Another late fruit with big seed. Fruit is reported to hang in the tree to early March. So I would imagine one can sell this after the Monroes and Lula are done. I got some bud wood from Williams Grove and a tree was top worked in January 30, 2014.
March 31, 2014: I got a small case of the fruit to taste it. They are ripening now. The fruit I tasted today was 14 oz, large seed. A , very minor stem rot, came right off.. The fruit was pleasantly flavored, light perfect to eat with a meal like I had tonight. Picadillo, rice and salad. Enough for two people to eat with a meal. Seasoned with fresh (just picked) key lime and salt.
May 25, 2015: The top worked tree has been growing slowly a relatively small tree after 16 months. It did flower and to my surprise it set a few fruit 3-4.
October 30, 2018: The tree survived hurricane Irma. Lost some branches but is holding a good amount of fruit. The fruit is clean, it is getting proper treatment. Pictures Soon.