Utuado Avocado G X WI Flower type B Dry weight 19.58% 82-21
Utuado is a city or area in Puerto Rico. I got bud wood from Fairchild Tropical Gardens, Williams Farm. This tree is in their West Indies Avocado Collection I saw the tree and I had quite a bit of fruit on it. See picture taken in May 2011. It had many 1-2 oz fruit and caught my attention.
When I asked about maturity I was told that is was a late variety. That is my interest so I got some bud-wood early in 2012 and top-worked a tree. It will take 2-3 year to begin to evaluate. In the mean time I will find out from Puerto Rico any information I can. If you have any let me know.
I found the only online mention of this fruit at http://www.avocadosource.com/WAC6/en/Extenso/1a-29.pdf interesting article it mentions Utuado and varieties never heard of like Lima Late. These are at the US National Germplasm Repository Subtropical Horticulture Research Station 13601 Old Cutler Road, Miami, FL 33158.
April 10, 2012: All the grafts took in the tree I top worked. Hopefully we'll get to see some fruit next year
May 8, 2012: All grafts growing very well. See pic.
February 27, 2013; The tree is a nice size. I noticed that flower buds are building. I think it will not flower for a couple of more weeks. I hope this fruit matures after Monroe. Monroe trees are with open flowers now.
March 7, 2013: The flowers buds are continuing to form, see picture below. This is tree is definitely flowering after Monroe, my Monroe trees are in full bloom, I hope this fruit comes in after Monroe. The tree is a nice size capable of holding fruit.
March 28, 2013: The Flower inflorescence are extending but no flowers are opening. It is clear that this tree flowers after Monroe. My Monroe trees have fruit the size of a nickel and lots of them. Also this tree is between matures trees and is not getting as much sun as it should. It is growing and it looks good. This is its first flowering season after top working it so it is an unpredictable event.
March 30, 2013: I saw very few flowers open. This tree basically will flower in April. Way past Monroe so I really hope the fruit will pass the maturity of Monroe.
May 4, 2013: Most flowering has stopped. May be a few can be seen. The tree is doing well is about 12-15 ft high. Most of the flowers were in the first 4-5 feet. Typical of some top worked trees. This tree has set a large amount of fruit in that area. A lot, it has 50-75 small fruit, some very small 3-4 days old. Other a bit larger. This tree is prolific. My tree is larger than the one in Fairchild Williams Farm in the picture bellow. Its growing very well. Let's hope the tree can hold the fruit so we can check maturity and taste. I'll like to know why this tree is not more widely grown. There has to be a reason. Pictures in about 15 days.
May 19, 2013: Very encouraged, fruit is growing no significant fruit drop.
August 4, 2013: The tree continues to hold the fruit, no drops that I can see. The fruit is getting into the 6-7 oz size now. The best feature so far is in spite the wet and humid summer the fruit is clean and shining, not one has any disease.
August 15, 2013: Fruit is holding well and super clean. I have tagged two fruit and will start measuring them at the widest point to see how and by how much are the growing. Fruit #1, 73.35 mm. Fruit #2, 72.20 mm. IT IS REPORTED AT AVOCADO SOURCE.COM Utuado weights 556 g at maturity and 95 mm wide, so these have ways to go definitely until November Plus.
August 29, 2013: the fruit is holding in the tree. I have added length to the measurement. Fruit #1, 80mm X118mm. Fruit #2, 78mm X117mm. These are growing!
September 14, 2013: No fruit drop. Fruit is nice and clean. Fruit # 1, 85mm X 124 mm. Fruit # 2, 82mm X 125mm. Both growing nicely.
October 3, 2013: No fruit drop. Fruit is clean and growing. Fruit # 1, 89 mm X 129 mm. Fruit #2, 84 mm X 128 mm.
October 20, 2013: I notice some fruit drop so I decided to pick one today. it came in at 18.7 oz. Nice size. I'm not sure if it is ready or the sprayer tractor knocked some of the fruit down. We'll see.
October 30, 2013: The fruit I picked was very tasty, good quality fruit. A bit on the dry side, reminds me of the Buck 3. Does not seem it is going to get past the end of the year so It runs with the Monroe and no one competes with the most elegant of our late fruit. The few fruit in the tree now I will leave on to see how long it hangs in there.
November 5, 2013: Fruit is still holding on. Fruit # 1 96 mm X 137 mm. There are some slightly larger 95 mm X 142 mm I changed the tag no 2 to this fruit because no 2 was getting sun burned. I took some new pictures today. Nice clean fruit.
November 12, 2013: The fruit I took a picture of November 5 was picked today. I really wanted to taste it again. With me that is a good sign. I was right, it came in at 22+ oz. Beautiful fruit. clean, nice, bright colors. The rest of the fruit the 4-5 that are left are hanging on rather well
November 17, 2013: The above fruit matured today and would also be good for the next day. See Picture. This is a very tasty fruit, reminds me of a Catalina but dryer, creamy but firm. I have no idea of the oil content of this fruit but is high bu Florida standards. The rest of the fruit are holding very well on the tree. I wonder why this fruit is not more widely available I think it could be that it matures in a short period after picking and packing houses like longer period. For the Homeowner and the Farmers Market is a winner.
November 18, 2013: The cut fruit was placed in the refrigerator yesterday at 6:00 PM, Had some for lunch today, it was clean and fresh. Tonight at 6:pm 24 hours later still fresh no oxidation.. This is a gem. This second fruit was superb. If given with a Monroe or an Utuado to choose, as much as I like Monroe my hand will go for the Utuado. Hard to describe why I like it so much, Let me put it this way, I like Catalina, but I find it is a bit wet, this is a dryer Catalina.
November 26, 2013: Did a dry weight test and it came at a respectable 19.58% just about the same with Monroe.
December 1, 2013: Season in South Florida would be from October to the first week in December. There are a couple of fruit left on the tree but others dropped.
December 16, 2013: I picked the last fruit in the tree it had a spot of anthacnose so I decided to pick it. It came in at 21 oz. I think that after November this fruit stops growing. Next year should be a good year to evaluate this fruit. This season is over.
February 27, 2014: The tree is beginning to expand its inflorescence, seems like is going to flower well in all parts of the tree. I'm ready for another year, I'm looking forward to eating more of these avocados. This is usually how I rate avocado by my desire to eat one. This is good.
April 7, 2014: The Utuado is setting a lot of fruit, at all levels of the tree. I continue to wonder why this tree is not widely planted by homeowners. See today's pictures.
May 24, 2014: Utuado is headed for a good crop. Can't wait to eat some more of it. Good quality, good production, low decease, good time of the year.
June 21, 2014: The tree is holding quite a bit of 3-4 oz fruit and not showing fruit drop.
October 23, 2014: I picked two Utuado's today. Seem like they are smaller this year. Shape is a little different. But in reality the weight the same. The tree has quite a few. Production is average and constant.
November 14, 2014: Something strange is happening to this fruit. They do not seem to be ripening evenly I have picked several fruit that I have not been able to eat. This is why trees need several years in an area before they get sold by anyone. Seems to have some lesions caused by insect but not sure of what they are. The fruit was much earlier than last year.
May 30, 2015: This tree is going on its 3rd flowering. It is a big tree. See the picture next to my truck. It has set a lot of fruit. It is crucial for this tree to do well,
September 19, 2015: The tree is really loaded and holding it well without any issues. Very clean compared to last year. Seem like it it has more time to go 4-5 weeks. Great producer.
November 21, 2019: The tree was heavely pruned a couple of years back I had not stopped by, but did so today. A lot of fruit on the ground. Some fruit remains in the tree. Picked two very clean fruits to taste in the 21 oz range.